Deutscher StarTrek-Index  
BERICHTE: Sonntag, 18.00 Uhr - DSi Starchat - Das Protokoll
 von Malte Kirchner (  

Als gäbe es nicht genug Probleme, sollte uns auch die Chatsoftware am betreffenden Sonntagabend einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen und kurzerhand die Aufzeichnung des Chats aufgrund der hohen Nutzerzahl verweigern. Einigen der Besucher des Chats, insbesondere Sanni und Ambassador_D haben wir es zu verdanken, dass wir Ihnen doch noch an dieser Stelle wiedergeben können, was im Chat vorkam:

Fragen an Dwight Schulz (Lt. Barclay in TNG  / VOY)

- Will you appear in the Star Trek X movie?
Well, I haven´t been asked yet!

- What was working with Marina like?
You don´t get the chance to work with a greek goddess every day, especially regarding that in our first scene I was kissing her! Every moment with Marina was a sential delight.

- What was appearing in Star Trek like?
It was great, it´s a privilege to play in Star Trek.

- Are there any future films with you appearing in it I could be on the look-out for?
Well, I have just been playing a 400 year old pilgrim chasing young rock stars in a pilot movie called "Dead Last".

- Did the first uniforms really feel like pyjamas?
They felt like marching bands outfit with suspendors!

- Are there any character similarities between Lt. Barclay and you?
I share the insecurities with Barclay, but I have none of his technical brilliance - you could say the part has been written for me!

Fragen an Max Grodenchik (Rom aus DS9)

- How did youl feel after the end of DS9?
It was very sad. When the series ended, we all had tears in our eyes.

- Do you still have contact to some of the ex-DS9-crew?
Yes, especially with the Ferengi family. I´m together with Armin, for example we regularly play tennis.

- Was it difficult to express your emotions through all that Ferengi-make up?
Yes, it was, especially at the beginning. but I learnt to deal with it.

- Did you learn something from your character Rom?
Yes, I learnt to be a better person! I love this character.

- What are your future projects after DS9?
At the moment I'm looking for work.

- Are there any character similarities between your charakter Rom and you?
I think, Rom is a nicer person than Max! He sees more with the heart than with the head.

- What was it like to kiss Leeta (Chase Masterson)?
I was never cast to kiss a beautiful woman, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity!

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